Memorial High School Class of 1959
Home of the Old Abes --- Eau Claire, Wisconsin


50th Reunion Commemorative Book

Our 50th Reunion Commemorative Book was mailed on Friday, November 6, 2009. Everyone who ordered one should receive their copy within a few days of the mailing date.


The Book was prepared by Carolyn Gabrielsen Barstad from information submitted by members of the ECMHS class of 1959. Carolyn spent many hours on this project: designing the book layout, editing biographies, resizing photos, compiling names and other information of classmates, having the books printed and bound, preparing the books for mailing, and finally, taking them to the post office. Thank you, Carolyn, for doing this for your classmates, and thank you, too, to the committee members who helped out along the way.


If you don't have a 50th Reunion Commemorative Book, a few extra copies were printed. To get one, send your check for $20 to Carolyn, (see the Contact Us page), and she will mail one to you.


The book is printed in black and white, and includes:


autobiographical summaries of classmates who submitted them;
current photographs of classmates who submitted them;
a picture of each classmate from the 1959 Kodak or other source, where available;
address, phone number, and email address of each classmate, where available;
a list of our deceased classmates, with their 1959 Kodak photos;
eleven group photos from the 50th reunion;
144 pages.



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